Within the last century, the Western Roman Empire has been wiped from the face of the earth. More variety and diversity is added to the units through heavy usage of Roman equipment mixed with Germanic and Steppe elements to reflect an Ostrogothic Kingdom influenced by their time under Hunnic dominion, their Eastern Germanic roots, and their exposure to Roman warfare. The Last Roman Campaign Pack is an epic expansion for Total War: ATTILA, delivering a narrative, mission-based experience on a new, highly-detailed campaign map of the Mediterranean theatre. Some Romans were also likely to have fought in the Ostrogothic army after Theodoric gained control of the Roman population in Italy. Many Goths had fought under Rome as foederati and they often wore mail and scale armor like the Romans, although lamellar armor was also common amongst their ranks.
This reskin is meant to reflect a Romanization of the Ostrogothic military after Theodoric the Great's conquest of Italy, which can already be seen in the names of many of the kingdom's units. Hello everyone! This is a reskin of the Ostrogothic Kingdom faction leader and roster in The Last Roman DLC.